Posts about:


Harmonic Design and TheyDo

Harmonic Design Partners with TheyDo to Accelerate Journey Management in North America

Touchpoint guest edits graphic

Exploring Interdisciplinarity: Harmonic CEO Guest Edits Touchpoint

Rosenfeld Media Advancing Service Design banner featuring the curators

Advancing Service Design: New Conference Curated by Industry Leaders to Challenge Boundaries and Inspire Change

Harmonic Design Banner that shows an adorable corgi at the desk for a website launch

Discover the New Harmonic Design Website: A Fresh Look at Service Design Excellence

2024 Practice Week

Harmonic Design Announces 2024 Practice Week: Expanding Our Practice Through Design Intersections

SDS Implementation

Harmonic Designers Publish Groundbreaking Article on Service Implementation in Touchpoint Journal

PQ speaking at ALA conference about service design and libraries

Rethinking Everything

Harmonic Five Years Collage

Harmonic Design Celebrates Year Five!

Harmonic Design Practice Week

Harmonic Design Practice Week: A Global Celebration of Service Design with Industry Experts

Next gen studio visit

Harmonic Design Hosts Atlanta High School Students to Expose Design Career Pathways

Rare Harmonic Design Carbon Book

Harmonic Design Partners with Rare in Sustainable Behavior Change

service designer Shreya Dhawan

Service Designer Shreya Dhawan featured by Hindustan Times