Designing for alignment, orchestrating for impact.

Harmonic Design is a service design consultancy that helps organizations unlock greater value for all stakeholders, inside and out.

Service design
spurs revenue growth. accelerates time to value creation. improves the quality of end-to-end experiences. drives innovation. builds creative cooperation.

What we do

Harmonic crafts tailored engagements to meet your organization's unique needs at every phase, working alongside you to co-create measurable value.

Service design collaboration in action

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Strategic planning workshop participants collaborating at tables

Innovating for Community Impact

Through collaborative and inclusive methods, our team of consultants developed a forward-thinking strategic plan that has defined five strategic priorities that will transform the community while providing staff with rewarding careers at the forefront of library innovation.
Fuel for Thought

Smart thinking on service design

Balancing Urgency and Thoughtfulness blog hero showing stop watches

Design Lessons from Bluey: Balancing Urgency and Thoughtfulness

football play graphic

From the Sidelines to the Studio: Football-Inspired Lessons in Teamwork

Vampire bats and reciprocity

What Vampire Bats Can Teach Us About Reciprocity and Design

full arc dark cream large

Learn more about the book, inspiring designers and professionals to tackle complex design challenges