Strategic Design in Organizations | Course

January 22, 2021
Carol SDN_Feb_2021

Learn how service design empowers organizations to deliver meaningful strategic value in this SDN Academy Masterclass.

Today, more than ever, the role of design in shaping human needs as we deliver new service models to improve human lives. As design professionals, we continue to experiment with new ways to provide solutions for complex problems. During this two-part course, Carol Massa will expand on the role of service design in organizations today, share insights on how to identify design challenges from an inside and outside-in perspective and, ultimately turn these insights into actions by closing gaps between people, process, policies, platforms.

>WATCH the Q&A on the course

This course has passed.
Hosted by the Service Design Network.

What are the takeaways from this training?

  • Share insights on main organizational challenges when switching from operational models to human-centric models
  • Provide a framework on how the multiple roles service design can have in an organizational setting
  • Illustrate how service design acts as a strategic connector between departments in corporate and consultancy settings
  • Empower participants to become cultural change agents in their organizations

Who is this course for?

Service Designers; UX Designers; Design Researchers; Experience Designers; Experience Strategists

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