Stephen Taylor

Principal, Design Research

A human-centered designer with three decades of hands-on experience

Stephen Taylor is a principal service designer and head of Harmonic Design’s research practice, a role he has played since Harmonic’s founding. He brings thirty years of human-centered design experience to the table, with experience designing and researching in multiple design domains, including user experience and product design, in a wide range of industries.

Stephen is a serious design philosophy geek

Stephen is fascinated with design’s philosophical underpinnings and enjoys spending his mornings reading, writing, and drawing ideas. He loves books a little bit too much. Please do not ask him how many of his books he has actually read.

Profile picture of Stephen Taylor

Stephen's Expertise

Design Research

Get in Touch

I stay in touch with everyone I’ve ever worked with and love concepting with them and sharing ideas. If you have something cool, mind-blowing or perplexing to share, let’s set up a time to connect.

Perspectives from Stephen

The Politics of Design
What are the Differences Between Service Design and UX Research?
A Cure for Bad Collaboration: Designerly Virtues
The 10,000-Foot View of Service Design